
My name is Annelise Holm Wagner, and I live in Tinglev, in Southern Denmark, close to the German border. 

I loved painting and drawing as a child, but I only got started on this for real in 2006. 

Getting started was more out of necessity than choice - I had a rather nasty accident in 2005, where I injured my left arm and shoulder badly. So badly in fact, that I practically can't use the left arm anymore. Which is not very good when you are left handed. So I had to train my right hand and arm, which I did by painting and drawing. The results of this "therapy" can be seen here on my website and on my facebook page Wagner Paintings.

 A lot of my paintings are influenced by me growing up in Højer, on the western coast of Denmark - a rugged, sometimes cold and stormy, but astonishingly beautiful place.

I'm self taught, I enjoy playing and experimenting with colors, shadings, brushes, the canvas. 

To my great astonishment a lot of my paintings have been sold, a lot of them without me taking a picture of them first.

 I also forgot to make notes of where my paintings were exhibited, as I thought it was a one off every single time. It has actually been quite a few exhibitions - both as a co-exhibitor and as sole exhibitor. Some of them I remember and listed them under "Exhibitions", but the list is not close to being complete.

Nyeste kommentarer

26.03 | 17:57

Tusind tak

24.03 | 21:19

Hold da op !!
Du er jo virkelig kunstner !!!

30.12 | 23:09

Hej Mette.
Maleriet måler 60 x 80 cm. Pris 2.000.- kr.
Venlig hilsen

30.12 | 10:04

Hvad er mål og pris på dette?
Mvh Mette